
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Std-10 Sub-Sci-2 1UT Examination

Enfant India English School 
M.MARKS:- (10)
STD:- 10th

 Attempt the following questions each question carries two marks.
Q.1) which are various ways to minimize the stress 
Q.2) Give two examples of Social Health 
Q.3) Child of your neighbor is addicted to tobacco chewing What will you do? Why
Q.4) Give any two examples Physical problem arising due to excessive use of mobile phone.
Q.5) Give any four hobbies to reduce the stress
Q.6) Write notes on
Disaster Management Authority.
Q.7) Give the reasons for increase in human disasters after the World War-II.
Q.8) State any four objectives of disaster management. 
Q.9) Why is it essential to get the training of first aid?
Q.10) explain Terrorism
Q.11) Which disasters have you experienced in your area?