
A Day at Nehru Science Centre - Worli

Educational visit to Science Centre by Enfantian


Avtivity area made for Kindergarten

Educational Camp

Visit to Yusuf Meherally Centre - Karnala. Students attended workshops of Vermi-culture, Biogas Plant, Soap Making, Oil Extraction, Carpentry, Pottery etc

Enfant India Fest - WAVES

WAVES Present - EVS, Mathematics Innovations, Science Fest, Enfanthusia, Food Carninal, Fun n Fair, Annual Day, Farewell and Various Competitions.

Information Technology ( Computer Lab )

Well Equipped Computer and Science Lab

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Maths Logic Puzzle

Mathematics Logic Puzzles

Ten Videos with explanation and answers.

Shape your brain to solve logical mathematics question with reasons.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Std 5 Final Assessment Craft

1. Greeting card (My teacher)

Std 5 Final Assessment Drawing

1. Rainy season
2. Fruit basket

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Class-9 Sub-Hindi Final Examination

Enfant India English School 
Class-9.        Marks-80

प्रश्न नंबर :1 निम्नलिखित परिचेद पढ़कर सूचना के आधार पर किया कीजिए !
कृति 1:( आकलन)
(1) कृति पूर्ण कीजिए:(4m)
 (1)झाड़ू पोछा करने आई-(.....................)
(2) प्ले स्कूल से घर आ जाएगा-(...................)
(3) घोड़े बेच कर सो रहा है-(....….......…....…......)
(4) घर बुलाकर सोनू को दिखाया-(...…..............)
(2) विधान ओके सामने सत्य या असत्य लिखिए:    (2m) 
(1) तनीषा आ चक्की देख सोनू को घबरा गई देख सोनू को घबरा गई!.....................,...,.....,.
(2) मोनू सोफे के नीचे सो गया था!............…..................
10:30 के करीब कामवाली कमला घर में झाड़ू पोछा करने आई तो बैठक को हारते हुए उसकी नजर सोनू पर परी जगाने के लिए उसने सोनू को हिलाया उसको जगाने की सोनू पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं हुई वह दवाई कैसे घोड़े बेच कर सो रहा है शैतान उसकी टांग पकड़ कर उसे नीचे से बाहर घसीट लिया मगर सोनू की कोई हरकत नहीं हुई कमला ने इस कर्तव्य को पुकारा बेटी बीवीजी शीशा सोनू को देख घबरा गई गोदी में उठाया तो उसकी रेशम जैसी दही हाथों में ऊंट को प्ले झूल गई उसकी समझ में नहीं आ रहा था वह क्या करें आसपास जानवरों का कोई डॉक्टर नहीं है अपनी समझ से उसने बच्चों को डॉक्टर के घर बुलाकर सोनू को दिखाया डॉक्टर ने देखते ही कह दिया नहीं है आप सोनू में आंटी अम्मा को जल्दी से जल्दी घर भेज दो घंटे भर में स्कूल से घर आ जाएंगे!
कृति (2) पालतू प्राणियों के लिए आप क्या करते हैं विस्तार पूर्वक लिखिए:(4m)
 प्रश्न नंबर :1(2) निम्नलिखित परिचय पढ़कर सूचना के आधार पर कृतियां कीजिए:
 कृति 1:( आकलन कुर्ती)
(1) उत्तर लिखिए:(4)
(1) विनोबा जी के पिताजी ने कौन सी दूसरी भाषा पढ़ने की आज्ञा दी?
(2) किस  लाभ कारण विनय जी वाय में आधे दिन रुक गए?
(2) सही विकल्प उसे वाक्य पूर्ण कीजिए:(2m)
(1)  गीता पर मेरा प्रेम .................
(कभी नहीं हुआ था'- कम नहीं हुआ था -ज्यादा नहीं हुआ था)
(2) उसके बाद में................( हाई स्कूल में दाखिल हुआ- कॉलेज में दाखिल हुआ- स्कूल में दाखिल हुआ)
 1 साल पहले आज सुभाष जी के कारण आश्रम से बाहर गया था यहां यह तय हुआ था कि दो-तीन मानस हवाई रहकर आश्रम लौट आऊंगा पर 1 साल बीत गया फिर भी मेरा कोई कट ठिकाना नहीं पर मुझे कबूल कबूल करना चाहिए कि इस बारे में सारा दोष मेरा ही है वैसे मामा को मैंने एक-दो पत्र लिखा था आश्रम ने मेरे ही देर में खास स्थान प्राप्त कर लिया है इतना ही नहीं मेरे जन्म से ही आश्रम के लिए है ऐसी मेरी श्रद्धा बन गई है तो फिर प्रश्न होता है 1 वर्ष बाहर क्यों रहूं जब मैं 10 वर्ष का था तभी मैंने ब्रह्मचारी व्रत का पालन करते हुए देश सेवा करने का व्रत लिया था उसके बाद मैं हाई स्कूल में दाखिल हुआ उस समय मुझे भगवत गीता के अध्ययन का शौक लगा पर मेरे पिताजी ने दूसरी भाषा के तैयार पर लेने की आज्ञा दी तो भी गीता पर का मेरा प्रेम कम नहीं हुआ था और तभी से मैंने घर पर ही खुद ब खुद संस्कृत का अभ्यास शुरू कर दिया था मैं आपकी आज्ञा लेकर आश्रम में दाखिल हुआ पर उस समय का अभ्यास करने का अच्छा मौका लगा हवाई में नारायण शास्त्री मराठा नामक एक ब्रह्मचारी विधान विद्यार्थियों को विधान तथा दूसरे शास्त्र सीखने का काम करते हैं उनके पास उपदेश का अभ्यास करने का लो मुझे हुआ इस योग के कारण हवाई में मैं ज्यादा समय रह गया इतने समय में मैंने क्या-क्या किया यह लिखता हूं
  कृति 2 (आकलन करती)
(1) आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए:(2m)
(1). विनोबा जी ने इन्हें पत्र लिखे थे-(.........................)
(2). व्हाई में विनोबाजी इनसे मिले-(.......................)
(3) परीक्षित से दो ऐसे प्रश्न तैयार कीजिए जिनकी उत्तर निम्नलिखित हो:(2m)
(1) विनोबा जी खुद ब खुद संस्कृत का अभ्यास शुरू कर लिया!
(2) हवाई में ब्रह्मचारी मराठी धानु विद्यार्थियों को विद्युत तथा दूसरे साथ सिखाने का काम करते थे

प्रश्न नंबर 2:निम्नलिखित पद्यांश पढ़कर सूचना के अनुसार कृतियां कीजिए :(4m)
कृति 1(आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए)
 (............) (...............)
     (कविता में आए प्रकृति संदर्भ के घटक)
(.............) (............….)
(2) कविता की पंक्तियों को उचित लिखकर पर्वतपुर कीजिए :(4m)
(1) जुगनू भर मधुकर दल.........
(2) रुक रुक गति वन पीयूष गोयल................
(3) अनिल स्पर्श पुलकित तरुण दल.......................
(4) टपक रही गिरीश कर से झर
 कितनी सुंदरता बिखेरी 
प्रकृति जगत में ईश्वर 
टपक रही हूं गिरीश शिखर से घर,
 लौट रही घाट में 
लिपट धूप छांव में निस वर अनिल इस पर से फुलकी तरुण दल
 बहती सीमाहीन 
सिलेक्शन संगीत स्वाद 
आहार ही वन वरुण
 फूलों की जलाएं 
आंखें करती शीतल
 मुकुल अदर मधु पोते 
जुगनू भर मधुकर दल 
तितली उड़ती 
दूर कहीं फुलवा छाया में
 रुक गति वन प्रिय कोयल
  कृति नंबर 2: पर्वतों में प्रगति सुषमा विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए!(4m)

प्रश्न नंबर: 2(2) निम्नलिखित निम्नलिखित पद्यांश पर सूचना के आधार पर कीर्ति कीजिए :( आकलन कुर्ती) (2m)
(1) संचलन फोन कीजिए:
   (कवि ने इन मानवी गुणों के गुणों की ओर संकेत किया है)
(2) रिती स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:
(1) सुमन वह मांगा नहीं करते जहां ................का वन हो!
(2) जो स्वयं अपना मस्तक झुका लेते हैं उसे नमन ..........मिलता है
 अंधेरों के इलाकों में किरण मांगा नहीं करते 
जहां हो कंठ को कावन सुमन मांगा नहीं करते 
जिससे अधिकार आधार का झुका लेते हैं स्वयं मस्तक 
नमन सोए हुए मिलते हैं नमन मांगा नहीं 
करते पैरों में शक्ति हो तो नाप लो उपलब्ध निंबू सारा
 उड़ने के लिए पंछी गगन मांगा नहीं करते 
जिससे मन प्राण से चाहे निमरत निमंत्रण के बिना उसके 
सपने तो खुद बहुत आते हैं नैन मांगा नहीं करते 
जिन्होंने कर लिया स्वीकार पश्चाताप में जलना 
सुलगते आप बाहर से आंगन मांगा नहीं करते 
कृति 2(आकलन)(2m)
(1)जोड़ियां लगाइए: 
     अ                           ब
(1)कंठ                       नयन
 (2) आधार                 उड़ान                                                 
 (3) पर.                      सुमन                                               
(4) सपन                      नमन
(2) सही विकल्प चुनकर वाक्य पूर्ण कीजिए:(2m)
(1) पैरों में शक्ति हो तो.........
( उपलब्ध न को नापना हो, उपलब्ध जल को नापना हो ,भू को नापना हो)
(2) सुलगते आप बाहर से.....
( तपन नहीं मांगा करते ,आंगन नहीं मांगा करते, मुझे नहीं मांगा करते)
(3) निम्नलिखित अंखियों का सरल अर्थ लिखिए:(4m)

प्रश्न नंबर 3 :निम्नलिखित परिचेद पढ़कर सूचना के अनुसार किया कीजिए:
 कृति नंबर 1:( आकलन कृति)
(1) कृति पूर्ण कीजिए:(2m)
  (.…….…....).    (...….........)

( रेफ्रिजरेटर आने के पूर्व घरवालों के विचार)

(...........)     (..................)
(2).1(लेखक के मत से पर योगिता से कंपनी को फायदा)(2m)

(.....….....….) (............)
परिणाम कब निकलने वाला था?(2m)
 देसी कंपनी के ने रेफ्रिजरेटर बनाया और उसकी परिषद दी के लिए विदेशी विज्ञापन अपनाएं भारत भर में पति की प्रतियोगिता का जुगाड़ किया सवाल था इस रेफ्रिजरेटर को खरीदने के क्या साथ लाभ है 1 अप्रैल को फल निकालना था जिसे यह जीन प्रतियोगिता का उत्तर कंपनी को मशहूर बंद उत्तर से मिला मिला लिखा जाएगा उसे यह एक रेफ्रिजरेटर मुफ्त इनाम दिया जाएगा भारत में धूम मच गई मेरे विचार से इतनी उत्तर आवश्यक पहुंची थी उनकी रद्दी बेचकर एक रिपोर्टर को दाम तो वसूल हो गया होगा लॉटरी खुलने वाले खेलने वाले दिन से पहले वाली रात थी हम सब बाहर छत पर लेटे थे हेमंत ने कहा पिताजी हम रेफ्रिजरेटर रखेंगे कहा पत्नी ने उत्तर दिया क्यों रसोई घर में जगह कर लेंगे क्यों जी तुमने बिजली कंपनी से दूर दरख्वास्त भी दे दी है घरेलू पावर चाहिए उसके लिए मैं मुस्कुरा कर बोला तुम तो ख्याली पुलाव पका रही हो मानो किसी ने तुम्हें टेलीफोन पर खबर कर दी हो तुम्हारे टेलीफोन तो तुम ही हो पत्नी ने मस्का लगाया इतने अच्छे लेखक के होते हुए कौन जीत सकेगा पर यहां क्यों पता मैंने कंपनी के उत्तरों से मिलते जुलते उत्तर लिखे हो अच्छा जी अब हम से उड़ने लगे उस दिन खुद कह रहे थे कि कंपनी के पास लिखा लिखाया कुछ नहीं है यह तो जिसके उत्तर सबसे अच्छा लगेगा उसे इनाम दे देंगे रफी ग्रेटर का विज्ञापन हो जाएगा और लाभ के लिए किसी को रखना पड़ता और उसके पैसे अलग बचेंगे! 
 कृति नंबर 2( आकृति )(2m)
(1)रितेश स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:
(1) भारत भर में ...........,...का जुगाड़ किया!
(2)  तूने बिजली कंपनी में ...,...........दो दी हो?
 जोड़ियां बनाइए:(2m)
अ.              .              ब
(1)विदेशी                प्रतियोगिता
(2) घरेलू                   देशी
(3) उत्तर.                 विज्ञापन
(4) कंपनी                 बिजली

प्रश्न नंबर 4(1): वाक्य में प्रयोग कीजिए:(2)
(1) फेरना..........,..
(2) की...............
 प्रश्न नंबर 4 (2):वाक्य का काल बदलकर लिखिए:(2m)
(1) सैनिक मशाल थाम ता है (भविष्य काल)
(2) मोनू का खाना पीना छूट गया  (पूर्व भूतकाल) 
प्रश्न नंबर 4(3): (2m)
मुहावरे का अर्थ लिखकर वाक्य में प्रयोग कीजिए:( कोई दो)
(1) मुंह मोड़ना 
(2)घर सिर पर उठाना 
(3)कमर कसना 
(4)हाथ लगाना
 प्रश्न नंबर 4(4): वाक्य शुद्ध करके फिर से लिखिए:(2m)
(1) सभा में क्या नेता उपस्थित थे
(2) यात्री ने भगवान का दर्शन किया!
 प्रश्न नंबर 4 (5)निम्नलिखित क्रियाओं के प्रथम प्रेरणार्थक और दायित्व प्रेरणार्थक रूप लिखिए!
(1) पढ़ना 

प्रश्न नंबर 5 निम्नलिखित किसी एक विषय पर 80 से 100 शब्दों में निबंध लिखिए :(10m)
(1 )विज्ञान के चमत्कार 
(2)अगर मैं प्रधानमंत्री होता
(3) एक फटी पुस्तक की आत्मकथा
(4) मेरी मां
 प्रश्न नंबर 5(2): कहानी लेखन मुद्दों के आधार पर कहानी पूरी करके उसे सही स्पोर्ट्स दीजिए:(5m)
 अकाल .....जन सहायता ...,पानी ...
नंबर 5 (4)पत्र लेखन अपने मित्र या सहेली को जिला विज्ञान प्रदर्शनी में प्रथम पुरस्कार प्राप्त होने के लिए बधाई देते हुए निम्न पत्र लिखता है!(5m)

Std:7 Sub: Science Final Examination

Q.1: Select & rewrite correct sentence from the given alternatives.      7M
      1)  The Earth recives heat from the sun by ______  
      2)  conduction of heat takes place through a ______ substance
      3) An electron microscope is necessary for the study of_______
      4) Garbage is converted into _____________
      5 )  In the cell,photosynthesis is carried out with the help of ______
      6)  Musscles of the heart are_______ 
      7) ________ of heat does noy require a medium
  Q2 A)  Match the fallowing                           4M            
cardiac musscles always function in pairs
Are brought about by muscles we never feel tired
pepsin uncontrolled and painful contraction of muscles
cramps chewing movements of jaws
skeletal muscles enzyme of the gastric juice

 Q2 B) find odd man out                                                                              4M
   a) famine, earthquake,cloud burst, railway accident
    b) Drought, heavy rain, strom,tsunami
    c) lava,hot,mud,ash,locusts
     d) wasing away of crops, attact of pests on crop,valcono
Q3) define the fallowing term                                                                     6M
      a) Tsunami     b) famine     c) cell

Q4) Answer the following question   (any5)                                            10M
a)  What is cell ??
b) Name the different organelles in a cell ?
c) how many types of musclee are there which are those type ?
d) what is voluntary and involuntary musscles?
e) what is a tsunami? what give rise to a tsunami?
f) what is a cloud burst ?
g) what are the modes of heat transfer ?

 Q5)    Give reason (any3)                                                                     9M
 a) In winter, why does an iron pillar feel colder than a wooden pole
 b) Bread rises during baking ?
 c) There is a possibility of food poisoning if we eat state food ?
 d) food become acidic in the stomach ?

 Q6) Draw , neat and labbelled daigram 4M
  a) Human digestive system   b) Animal cell

Q7) distinquish between                                                            4M
a) Animal cell & plant cell     b) Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell

Q8)  what are the remedial measures ?                                                   4M
        a) Famine      b)Lightining strike
        c) Stroms      d) Cloud brust
Q9)  True or false? give reason for your answer                                      4M
  a) Heavy rain result in famine
  b) Information about a forth coming strom is to be kept secrete
  c) You should not swim when there is a lightning in the sky
  d) it is possible to prevent th eruption of valcano
Q10) what will obsorb heat  ?                                                                                                  4M
   a) Steel spoon              b) Glass vessel
   c) Plastic plate             d) wax

Std: 8 Sub: Maths Final Examination

Q. 1) Write fill in the blanks.           (5)
A) 1) The average is also known as --------------
2) The greatest index of the variable in the given polynomial is called 
The ----------------.
3) Two angels and their included  side ---------------- test. 
4) Area of rhombus = --------------------------.
5) 1 hectare = --------------------- Sqm. 
B)  Write true or false.               (5)
1) The measure of the space occupied by a solid is called the 
Volume of the Solid. 
2) A quadrilateral having opposite sides parallel is called a
3) 400 x 0 + 100 = 400
4) Selling price = marked price – Discount .
5) Their point of concurrence is called the centroid.
Q. 2) Solve the following questions.  (any five)   (10)
21 m² ÷7m 
2) 60, 50, 54, 46, 50 find the average. 
3) 5(x-3) = 3 ( x+ 2)
4) Find the amount if p= 2000   R= 5 , N = 2 .
5) Draw the 85°angle and bisect it. 
6) If  base of a parallelogram is 18 cm and its height is 11 cm find 
It’s area. 
Q. 3) Solve the following questions.      (any five)   (15)
1) If perimeter of a rhombus is 100 cm and length of one diagonal is
48 cm What is the area of the quadrilateral? 
2) Find the difference between simple interest and compound interest 
On Rs 20000 at  8 p. c. p. a 
3) Mother is 25 year older than her son. Find sons age if after 8 years 
Ratio of sons age to mothers age will be 4/9
4) Construct the Δ ABC of given measures. AB= 7 cm  BC= 5 cm and
AC= 6.2 cm. 
5) Solve the following equations. 
3 (y+8) = 10 ( Y-4) + 8 
6) Decide whether these values are the solutions of the equation. 
X – 4 = 3    X = -1 , 7 
Q. 4)A) Solve the following questions.       (12)
1) Find three consecutive whole numbers whose sum is more than 
45 but less than 54 .
2) Sohan has taken a loan of Rs 12500 at a rate of 12 p. c. p. a for 
3 years if the interest is compounded annually then how many 
Rupees should be pay to clear his loan. 
3) Area of a parallelogram is 83 .2 sqcm.  If its height is 6.4 cm find 
The length of its base. 
B)  Solve the following questions.  (any one)     (3)
1) Find the volume of a box if its length breadth and height are 
20 cm , 10 .5 cm and 8 cm  respectively. 
2) Find the area of circle if radius is 28 cm. 
Q. 5) Solve the following questions.      (10)
1) Sides of a triangle are 45 cm,  39 cm  and 42 cm find its area. 
2) Find the number of years for which the compound interest of 
Rs 9000 is Rs 1890 at the rate of 10 p. c. p. a

Std:6 Sub: Maths Final examination

Q.1 Solve the following question :-(Any Six) (12)
1) Maganlal bought trousers for ₹ 400 and a shirt for ₹ 200 and sold them for ₹ 448 and ₹ 250 respectively Which
of these transactions was more profitable?
2) Shabana scored 736 marks out of 800 in her exams What was the percentage she scored?
3) A shopkeeper bought a bicycle for ₹ 3000 and sold the same for ₹ 3400 How much was his profit?
4) At a rate of 10 p c p a , what would be the interest for one year on ₹ 6000?
5) Draw line l Take any point P on the line Using a set square, draw a line perpendicular to line l at the point P
6) Different mathematical operations are given in the two rows below Find out the number you get in each
operation and make equations
16 ÷ 2, 5 × 2, 9 + 4, 72 ÷ 3, 4 + 5 ,8 × 3, 19 - 10, 10 - 2, 37 - 27, 6 + 7
7) Snehal has a red ribbon that is 80 cm long and a blue ribbon, 2.20 m long What is
the ratio of the length of the red ribbon to that of the blue ribbon?
Q.2 Solve the following question :-(Any Four) (12)
1) A pond in a field holds 120000 litres of water It costs 18000 rupees to make such a pond How many ponds will be
required to store 480000 litres of water, and what would be the expense?
2) In the elections, 1080 of the 1200 women in Jambhulgaon cast their vote, while 1360 of the 1700 in Wadgaon cast
theirs In which village did a greater proportion of women cast their votes?
3) Sharad bought one quintal of onions for ₹ 2000 Later he sold them all at the rate of ₹ 18 per kg Did he make a
profit or incur a loss? How much was it?
4) The lengths of the sides of some triangles are given Say what types of triangles they are
(1) 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm
5) Indrajit bought 10 refrigerators at ₹ 12000 each and spent ₹ 5000 on transport For how much should he sell each
refrigerator in order to make a profit of ₹ 20000?
Q.3 Solve the following question :-(Any Four) (12)
1) The lengths of three segments are given for constructing a triangle Say whether a triangle with these sides can be
drawn Give the reason for your answer
(1) 17 cm, 7 cm, 8 cm (2) 9 cm, 6 cm, 16 cm
2) write the number of sides the polygon has
Names Number of sides
3) Draw a line segment AB of length 5 5 cm Bisect it using a compass and ruler
4) Archana bought some kilograms of wheat She requires 12kg per month and she got enough wheat milled for 3
months After that, she had 14 kg left How much wheat had Archana bought altogether?
5) Shubham’s age today is 12 years and his father’s is 42 years Shubham’s mother is
younger than his father by 6 years Find the following ratios
(1) Ratio of Shubham’s age today to his mother’s age today
(2) Ratio of Shubham’s mother’s age today to his father’s age today
(3) The ratio of Shubham’s age to his mother’s age when Shubham was 10 years old
Q.4 Solve the following question :-(Any Two) (10)
1) Find the ratio of the first quantity to the second
(1) 25 beads, 40 beads (2) 30 litres, 24 litres
(3) 60 paise, 1 rupees (4) 40 rupees, 120 rupees
(5) 99 kg, 44000 grams (6) 15 minutes, 1 hour
(7) 1 litre, 250 ml (8) 125 cm, 1 metre
2) Pramod bought 100 bunches of methi greens for ₹ 400 In a sudden down pour, 30 of the bunches on his handcart
got spoilt He sold the rest at the rate of ₹ 5 each Did he make a profit or a loss? How much?
Q.4 Solve the following question :-(Any One) (04)
1) The cost price and selling price are given in the following table Find out whether there was a profit or a loss and
how much it was
No. Cost Price
(In ₹ )
Selling price
(In ₹ )
Profit or
How much ??
1. 4500 5000
2. 4100 4090
3. 700 799
4. 1000 920
2) 4) Kisanrao wanted to make a pond in his field He borrowed ₹ 35250 from a bank at an interest rate of 6 p c p a
How much interest will he have to pay to the bank at the end of the year

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Class-9 Sub-English Final Examination

Enfant India English School 
Marks -80 Sub-English 
Section 1:- Language study
Q. 1.(A) 
(A1) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) (4 marks) 
(1) Write two compound words of your own. (1 mark) 
(2) Spot the error: The stories of Akbar and Birbal is witty and amusing. (1 mark) 
(3) Make a statement using the word 'deplorably'. (1 mark) 
(4) Arrange the words in alphabetical (1 mark) 
cycle, casement, catch, candy
(5) Identify the type of sentence (Assertive/interrogative/Exclaratory/Imperative) (1 mark) 
Please carry all the things mentioned in the list. 
(6) Punctuate the following sentence: (1 mark) 
The shop that opened on monday sells books bags and accessories 
(A2) Do as directed: (Attempt any two) (4 marks) 
(1) Make a word register of four words related to music. (2 marks) 
(2) Change into Indirect speech:(2 marks) 
Dr. Strange said, "It is the only way." 
(3) Change the voice: (2 marks) 
Imade a wretched attempt lo like a man with a fearfully quick temper. 
(4) Rewrite the given sentence into Future Perfect Tense: (2 marks) 
She did her work with diligence
(B) Do as directed: (Attempt any one) (2 marks) 
(1) Use the two words 'sapling' and 'manure' in a sentence of your own. (2 marks) 
(2) Transform the following sentence into a simple sentence. (2 marks) 
The team reached India and received a warm welcome.

Section 2:- Textual Passage
Q.2. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities:  (10 marks) 
(A1) State whether the following statements are "True' or 'False': (2 marks) 
(1) In India, turtles have been given as much protection as tigers. 
(2) The volunteers decided to undertake a project for the protection and conservation of turtles and their nests in Goa. 

However, in India, sea turtles have been given protection by including them under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972. That means turtles have been given as much protection as tigers. Therefore, all this business of gathering turtle eggs and killing turtles is carried on in a secret, hush-hush manner. This information was distressing. We began to think seriously about it. We decided to undertake a project for the protection and conservation of turtles and their nests in Maharashtra.
We had no experience regarding sea-turtles, so first of all we undertook a study of turtles. he contacted institutes that work for the protection of turtles in India. The next step was launching a Turtle Protection Campaign at Velas, Taluka, Mandangad, District Ratnagiri. This was done with the People support and cooperation of the Forest Department. As part of the campaign, a few local people were specially appointed to look for turtle nests on the beach in the morning. 
When they came across a nest, they had to carefully remove the eggs from the nest, and bury them again in a similar pit, but one protected with wire fencing. They had to watch over the protected nest to prevent thefts. In the first year, we could successfully protect 50 nests in this manner. When the babies batched out of the eggs what an event that was the whole village rushed to the beach to witness the spectacles, When the tiny turtle hatchlings hurried across the silver sands to meet the rolling boundless sea, what an ovation they received from the onlookers! Some of the elderly villagers confessed that though they had seen (and stoler) turtle eggs right from their school days. It was for the first time that they had seen the hatchlings rushing to the sea.
There are seven types of sea turtles in the world, five of which are found in India. The Olive Ridley turtles nest along the entire coastline of Maharashtra. Creen turtles and Hawksbills have also been found

(A2) The elderly persons had seen the hatchlings for the first time. What does it indicate? (2 marks) 
(A3) Give the noun form of:- (2 marks) 
(1) protect           (2) conserve

(A4) Do as directed: (2 marks) 
(1) We undertook a study of turtles. (Change the voice) 
(2) What an event that was! (Make it assertive)
(A5) Why do you think have these turtles been protected in India? (2 marks) 

Q.2. (B) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks) 
(B1) Who said to whom?
(1) "Well, I lost it." 
(2) "You must have made a mistake."

From then on, Madame Loisel knew the hortible life of the very poor. But she played her part heroically The dreadful debt must be paid. She would pay it. They dismissed their maid, they changed their lodgings; they rented a garret under the roof. She came to know the drudgery of housework, the odious labours of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, the dirty linen, she cared the garbage down to the street every morning, and carried up the water, stopping at each landing to catch her breath and dressed like a commoner. She had to bargain at markets, quarrel and face insults over every miserable sou. 
Each month they had to pay some loans, renew others, get more time. Her husband worked extra, every evening, doing accounts for a tradesman, and often, late into the night, he sat copying a manuscript at five sous a page. And this life lasted ten years. At the end of ten years they had paid off everything, even the interest. 
Madame Loisel looked old now. Often, she brooded over the past - What happened if she had not lost that necklace? How strange life is, how fickle! How little is needed for one to be ruined or saved!
One Sunday, as she was walking in the Champs Élysées suddenly she saw Madame Forestier, still young, still beautiful, still charming. Madame Loisel felt emotional. Should she speak to her? Yes, of course, And now that she had paid, she would tell her all. Why not? She went up to her "Good morning, Jeanne." 
The other, astonished to be addressed so familiarly by this common woman, did not recognise her. She stammered: "But - Madame - I don't know. You must have made a mistake 
"No, I am Mathilde Loisel."
Her friend uttered a cry, "Oh l. my poor Mathilde, how you've changed! ."
"Yes, I have had some hard times since I last saw you, and many miseries . and all because of you !."
"Me ? How can that be ?"
"You remember that diamond necklace that you lent me to wear to the Ministry party ?"
"Yes. Well"
"Well, I lost it."
What do you mean ? You brought it back.
I brought you back another exactly like it. And it has taken us ter years to pay for it. It wasn't easy for us, we had very little. But at last it is over, and I am very glad."
Madame Forestier was stunned.
"You say that you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine ?" 
"Yes; you didn't notice then ? They were very similar
And she smiled with proud and innocent pleasure 
Madame Forestier, deeply moved took both her hands
"Oh, my poor Mathilde! Mine was an imitation! It was worth five hundred francs at most! ... "

(B2)What is meant by the horrible life of the very poor? (2 marks) 

(B3) Frame sentences using the given words: (2 marks) 
(1) dreadful          (2) pleasure

(B4) Do as directed: (2 marks) 
(1) Each month they had to pay some loan. (Identify the non-finite verb and state its kind. 
(2) She was walking in the Champs Élysées. (Identify the tense)
(B5) Who do you think was responsible for Mathilde's misery? Was it her friend, she herself, her husband or the circumstances? (2 marks) 
Section 3:- Poetry
Q3. (A) Read the following poem and do the activities: (5 marks) 
(A1) Fill in the blanks: (2 marks) 
(1) The poet took the road that was less ___________.
(2) The other way was __________and___________.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood 
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 
Then took the other, as just as fair, 
And having perhaps the better claim, 
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day! 
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 
I doubted if I should ever come back. 
I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- 
I took the one less travelled by
And that has made all the difference
(A2) Why did the traveller choose the road less travelled? What attribute of the traveller does it bring out? (2 marks) 
(A3) Identify the figure of speech from the following line. (1 marks) 
"Yet knowing how way leads on to way"

Q.3. (B) Critical Appreciation: (5 marks) 
Read the poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points in paragraph format:
• Title (1/2) • Poet (1/2) • Rhyme scheme (1) Figures of speech (1) • Theme/Central idea (2)

Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch:
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog
From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Of doves in silver feathered sleep
A harvest mouse goes scampering by
With silver claws, and silver eye:
And moveless fish in the water gleam
By silver reeds in a silver stream
                                                        -Walter de la Mare

Section 4:- Non-Textual Passage
Q4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 marks)  
(A1) State whether the following statements are "True or False": (2 marks) 
(1) The cabbit had a watch in his waistcoat pocket.
(2) The door Was huge and Alice went through it.

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having opting to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no PICTures or conversations in it. "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?"
Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. There was nothing so very markable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to himsel Oh dear! Oh, dean I shall be too late But when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of his waistcoat pocket. Alice started to her fort, for she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat pocket or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after him, just in time to see him pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge. 
In another moment down went Alice after him. The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so that Alice found herself falling down what seemed to be a very deep well. Down, down, down. Then suddenly, thump thump down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over. 
The White Rabbit was still in sight, and away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear him say, as he turned a corner, "Oh, my ears and whiskers, how late it is getting! She turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen. She found herself in a long narrow hall, which was lit up by lamps hanging from the roof.
In the hall she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key. Behind a low curtain, she came upon a little door about fifteen inches high. She tried the little golden key in the lock, and, to her great delight, it fitted.

Alice opened the deor, and knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw. But she could not even get her head through the doorway.
(A2) Why was Alice getting tired? (2 marks) 
(A3) Pick out two compound words from the passage. (2 marks) 
(A4) Do as directed:- (2 marks) 
(1) The White Rabbit was still in sight. (Add question tag)
(2) There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key. (Identify the verb and state its tense)
(A5) Do you read story books? What kind of stories do you like? (2 marks) 
Q.4. (B) Read the passage given in Q.4. (A) and write a summary. Give a suitable title to the summary. (5 marks) 
Section 5:- Writing Skill
Q.5. (A) Letter Writing: Attempt any one of the following activities:  (5 marks) 
Read the following news and write a letter based on it.
Sameer / Samera Raorane from C/26, Shivsevak, C. G. Road, Wadgaon, sees an accident in his locality as there are no street lights in his/her area. Like always, all the bystanders stood mute and did noting, This was the fourth scrious accident in that month.
(A1) Informal Letter :
Write a letter to your uncle about bystanders after them see people hit with a vehicle. They have forgotten all about being human. Suggest what you expect from your bystanders.
(A2) Formal Letter:
Write a letter to the Sarpanch, Grampanchyat office, Main Road, Wadgaon - 400 001; mentioning the problem of no street light in your area. inform him/her about the increasing number of accidents Request him/her to install street light at the earliest.
Q. 6.(A) Information Transfer:- Attempt any one of the following activities: (5 marks) 
(A1) Read the following page and prepare a flow chart. Give a suitable title:

Here are some tips about hair care. Read and write in the form of Do's and Don'ts (table). We must take proper care of our hair. Healthy hair looks beautiful and makes us look good. It is important to keep our hair clean by washing it regularly with soap or shampoo. At the same time, washing our hair too often can spoil our hair, it can make it dry and brittle. To have healthy hair, we must eat a balance diet which provides nourishment to our hair and skin. We should eat lots of green leafy vegetables fresh fruits and cereals. Consumption of amla juice, ashgourd juice, pumpkin and coconut water enhances hair growth. We should avoid hard chemicals and dyes. We should also avoid the intake of maida (fine flour) and deep dried dishes, sweets made of white sugar, soft drinks, tea and coffee. We should not expose our hair to the sun during the hottest time of the day. We Should cover it up and wear a hat instead. If we follow a healthy regime of yoga and breathing exercies we can enjoy Healthy hair for a long time as it slows down the process of greying and aging. 

(A2) The following is the information given in the form of a table. Write two paragraphs of about 70-80 words using the information given below.
307713 sq. km. 
Godavari, Krishna, Bhima, Koyana

Jowar, Bajra, Sugarcane

Major cities
Mumbai, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Nasik


Q.6. (B) Drafting a View-Counterview /Speech: Attempt any one of the following activities: (5 marks) 
(B1) Humans are still treating animals just for their selfish needs. Deliver a speech in the morning assembly of your school on 'Cruelty Towards Animals'.
Use the points given below:
• cruelty towards animals has reached alarming levels
• treatment given to various domestic animals
• certain species are endangered
• products made by killing animals should be banned
(B2) Humanity and Compassion are slowly dying. Present your counterview against the given statement. You may take help from the following points in the view section:
•the present generation is very selfish
•people no longer care for others
•hatred, intolerance is on the rise 
• minorities are subjected to discrimination
•we have moved away from our basic moral values. 
Section 6:- Creative Writing
Q.7. (A) Expand the Theme /News Report: Attempt any one of the following activities:- (5 marks) (A1) Expand the Theme: 'Where there is a will there is a way'
(A2) Prepare a News Report based on the given headline. 
Himachal Pradesh shivers on the coldest day in 60 years
Q7. B) Developing a story / Narrating an Experience:  (5 marks) 
(B1) Write a story ending with the line 'God had rewarded Parth's hard work. The trophy shone in his hands'. 
(B2) Narrate an incident beginning with the line "It was my first experience at a bank.

Std: 8 Sub:English Final Examination

Enfant India English school
STD: 8th                            marks: 60

Q.1)Do as directed. (10)
 (1) Pick out the infinitives from the following sentence. 
 He knew who were the right people to listen to and who to avoid.
(2) Write two compound words.
 (3) Find out 2 hidden words of minimum 4 letters from – 
 (4) Punctuate the following sentence.
 i made some money yesterday he explained
 (5) Identify the type of sentence.
 Why don’t you follow my example and just eat one thing ?
(6) Complete the following word-chain of adjectives.
 Technical, I___________, ___________, __________, __________
Q.2) Read the following passage and complete the following activities.(10 marks)
A1) Say whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) Fibreglass kites led to creating power - driven aeroplanes.
(b) In Gujarat, the kite - festival is celebrated to welcome the Spring.
Years ago, the harassed mother would often say 
to her restless son, who needed to be kept busy during 
his holidays, “Why don’t you go fly a kite ?” And the 
little boy would happily pick up his kite and run out 
into the field.
That, of course, was in the past when the only kites 
available were made of kite paper and thin wooden 
frames. Kite -flying has come a long way since then 
with the invention of motorised and even fibreglass 
kites to compete with the old-fashioned kites. Today, 
kite -flyers can be found in different parts of the world, 
carrying different types of kites - waiting for the right 
Kite -flying has a long history. There are many 
Greek, Indian and other mythological stories which tell 
us about human beings wanting to or trying to fly.
Over a period of time, this desire of humans and 
their imagination probably led to the invention of kites. 
And it is likely that the box- kites, designed more than 
a hundred years ago, later inspired others to create 
power- driven aeroplanes.
In India, however, the tradition of kite -flying has 
not changed. Be it during the coming of Spring which 
is celebrated as Basant or during the festival of Makar 
Sankranti, people of all ages go out into the open to try 
their luck with their kites. In towns and cities, where 
open spaces are difficult to find, terraces and rooftops 
are often used for this traditional sport.
In Gujarat, Makar Sankranti is kite -flying day. 
Traditionally celebrated on January 13 or 14, it is 
a holiday when people meet outdoors, ‘to cut’ each 
other’s kites.
A2) complete the following.
1)______ makar sankranti is kite flying day.
2) it during the coming of Spring which __________.
A3) Using points from the lesson, give the details of the following in a short paragraph 
(a) Different types of kites.
A4) Add a Question tag.
1) Kite -flying has a long history.
2) It can be found in different parts of the world.
A5) write your favourite festival in your own words.
Q.3) Read the following poem and complete the following activities.10 marks
                           The bees 
So work the honey- bees, creatures that by a rule in 
nature teach 
The art of order to a peopled kingdom, 
They have a king and officers of sorts; 
Where some, like magistrates, correct at home;
Others, like merchants, venture trade abroad;
Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings;
Make boot upon the summer’s velvet buds;
Which pillage they with merry march bring home
To the tent royal of their emperor ;
Who, busied in his magesty, surveys, 
The singing masons building roofs of gold, 
The civil citizens kneading up the honey,
The poor mechanic porters crowding in 
Their heavy burdens at his narrowgate, 
The sad eyed Justice, with his surly hum,
Delivering over to executors pale 
The lazy yawning drone
 - William Shakespeare
1)Complete the following choosing the appropriate option.
(a) Human beings can learn from honey bees .........
 (i) How too make food (ii) how to live joyfully
 (iii) how to lead an organised nation
(b) The soldier-bees carry home .............
 (i) the velvet buds (ii) nector, looted from flowers
 (iii) their weapons
(c) The emperor-bee supervises the building of ............
 (i) the bee hive (ii) bridges (iii) a tower
(d) The ................ bees make honey from nectar
 (i) officers (ii) civilian citizens (iii) magistrate
2 (A) Complete the phrases using words from the poem.
 (i) ......... march (iv) ......... porters
 (ii) ......... tent (v) ....... burdens
 (iii) ..... masons (vi) .......... executors.
3)Write the Rhyming words.
4) write the appreciation on this poem.
A) title
B) poet
C) theme and central idea
D) figure of speech
E) rhymes scheme
Q.3) Read the following passage and write the summary give suitable title.5 marks

It is obvious from the visible garbage around us that solid wastes are not 
being managed properly. However, housing colonies are the most disorganized 
sector as far as garbage is concerned. As a result, the legal garbage dumps are 
overflowing and the number of illegal garbage dumps in the by-lanes, parks and 
roadsides are on the increase in most colonies of Delhi and for that matter in 
all Indian cities.
At present five percent of Delhi’s land mass is being choked by the garbage. 
This five percent has become a wasteland, its utility is steadily declining and soil 
quality is deteriorating. Besides being eyesores, these garbage dumps pose health 
and environment hazard for the ten million people who live in Delhi. They are 
breeding grounds for the germs of infectious disease like plague, tuberculosis, 
dysentery, diarrhea, eye-infections and numerous skin ailments.
Scientific management of garbage thus is one of the most important services 
that needs to be regularized in all residential colonies. After exploring all viable 
solutions to this problem, I have successfully launched an indigenous scheme 
– Cleaning Brigades – in many colonies of Delhi. The cleaning Brigades are 
managing solid wastes for at least 25 thousand Delhites. A year and a half back 
the first cleaning brigade was launched during the Asiad. Since then it has been
constantly expending.
Q.4) write a letter to the members of your housing society inviting them to attend a lecture on save water.
You participated in an inter school music competition.write a letter to your friend describing this experience.
Q.4(A) Draft a speech to be delivered before 9th STD students on the ‘importance of reading newspaper.
Q.5) your school magazine is going to publish an interview with Saina nehwal in its sport section.write down 10 questions you will ask her.
Verbal to Non-verbal : 05
Read the information given below and represent it in the form of 
table given below. Give a suitable title to it.
Storms are given many different names depending on their nature and where 
they take place. If it is air alone, it is called a wind storm. If it has picked 
up dust along the way, it is called a dust storm. Hurricanes are storms that 
start in the tropics. When the same kind of storm takes place in the East 
Indies and the China Sea, it is called a Typhoon. In a Hurricane, the storm 
area is usually from one to four hundred miles in diameter. Another type of 
circular storm is the Tornado. Tornadoes are formed most often in the Central 
Mississippi Valley of the United States.
Name of the 
Features of the storm 
(If mentioned)
Places where they
Q.6) Expand the following ideas 
Work hard , work smart.
Q.6(A) Develop the stories
It was a dark and stormy night.A man was riding a horse-----------

Std:6 Sub: Marathi Final Examination

प्र 1 अ) तक्ता पूर्ण करा (complete the boxes)
1)डॉक्टर आंबेडकरांचे संपूर्ण नाव..........
2) डॉक्टर बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांनी  स्वतंत्र भारताची ........लिहिली
3)कुंदा वयाच्या ........ वर्षीय पोहायला शिकली 
4)घर असते देखण्या ........
5)वैष्णवी ला कोणता........पेपर कठिण गेला होता.
6) माशांच्या समुहात राहायची ........ मासळी.
7)तो आठ हात असलेला ....... मासा.
8)चंद्रावरच्या शाळेत नसेल......आणि........
9)दाबायची बटने एवढाच फक्त.......
10)आपली .......आपल्यावर किती माया करते
ब)जोड्या लावा
अ गट                             ब गट
1) मिनू                          लहान
2)पाणी                         मुसळधार
3)डोळे                            खारट
4)पाऊस                         इवलीशी
5)इवली                         बटबटीत
क)एका वाक्यात उत्तरें लिहा (write in one sentence answer)
1)कुंदा ने कोणाला नदीतून वाचवले?
2)माणसाची पहिली शाळा कुठे सुरू होते?
3)आईच्या हाताचे जेवण कसे असते?4)वैष्णवी ला पत्र लिहिणारे कोण होते?
5)वैष्णवी साठी बाबा आणणार असलेला खाऊ कोणता?
प्र2आ)कुंदाचे कोणकोणते जाणवले ते लिहा.(write the    qualities you observed in kunda after reading the lesson)                            (गुण 4)
                कुंदाचे गुण 

ब) पुढिल शब्दांचे वचन बदला( change their number  plural &singular form)
1) घर      -
2)भिंत   -
3)चेहरा   -
4) निवारा-
प्र3अ) समानार्थी शब्द लिहा (give synonyms of )
ब)विरुर्धार्थी शब्द लिहा ( give anonymous of)
1)सोपे -
2)अपयश -
3)गुण -
4)लहान -
5)मागे -
प्र 4अ) मोठया आई पासुन प्राप्त होणाऱ्या गोष्टी लिहा(complete the following figure by fillings in the things we get from mothi aai

                   {मोठी आई}

Std:7 sub: SST Final examination

7th history and civics

Q.1 A write the answer in one word   (4mark)

a.balaji was from this town in Konkan ………………………….
b. He ruled bundelkhand………………………
c. Bajirao died at this this place……………………
d. He defeated the protuguese……………………….

Q.1 B. Name them ( 5mark)
1.the came from Afghanistan…
2.they settled at the foothills of the Himalayas….
3. The brother of nanasaheb Peshwa…..
4. The chief of jats at Mathura………..
5. Defeated Nijamat rakshabhuvan near paithan

Q.1.C. find the name of people in the  chapter.         (3mark)
1.N_n_ _ __ _ _ __
2.D _ _ _ _ _ _
3. N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q.2 .Give one word for.                              (2 mark )
1. An important officer in the Navy of Swaraj_
2. He composed a powada on the greatness of Shivaji Maharaj__

Q.3. give reasons any two.                             (4mark)
1. Aurangzeb turned his  attention towards Adilshahi and Qutubshahi Kingdoms
2. After the deathof Sambhaji Maharaj,the Maraths intensified their war With  the Mughals
3. It was decided that the Raigad fort should be fought under the leadership Of maharani yesubai.

Q.4. write in briefly any two. 
1. The work done by Ahilyabai Holkar
2. The valour shown by magadji Shinde
3. The Maratha rule in Gujarat.


Q.5A.find one appropriate word _.              (4mark)
a) protection from illegal arrest and detention
b) To restrain a person from acting in an office to which he not entitled__
c)  The order of the supremecourt or the High court commanding The government to perform the action that is its duty to perform__
d) The order preventing a subordinate court from exceedingit’s jurisdiction__

Q.5B. fill in the blanks appropriate words.                             (2mark)
a) We can approach the ……………………… case of infringement of our rights
b) …………………. Education can’t be made compulsory in educational Institutions that get aid from the state.
Q.5 B.State the reason why we are free to practice the following.  (4mark)
a) All Indian citizens can celebrate all festivel joyfully, because……..
b) we can make efforts towards tha preservation and propagation of our language,it’s script and literature, because………..

Q.5 C.Tell why any one                                 (2mark ) 
a) A pension scheme is implemented for lod people.
b) The State shall protect all monuments of historic Interest.


Q.1A. select the proper option for the following Statement ( 4mark ) 
1)In which of the following type of farming are the crops rotated?
2) Agriculture requires the following?
3)In India, agriculture has developed because…
4)It is necessary that morden methods and technology be  used in agriculture in India because.... 

Q.1 B.Identify the type of human settlements from the following statements.(5mark)
1) Their money and time is saved by living on the fram.
2)There is a lot of social life in this settlements.
3)Shops are located on  both the sides of tha road 
4) This settlement is found at the foothills of mountains or along the coast 
5) Each house is located away from the other.

Q.2 fill in blanks with appropriate words.              (4mark)
1) If the contour lines are closer to each other,the slope is……………..
2) The contour lines on the map represent…………………………..
3) The slope can be understood from the distance between the ………..
4) If the distance between two contour lines is more ,the …………is gental.
5)The apparent movement of the sun means …
Q.3 Answer the following questions any two.          (4mark) 
1)  What leads the the occurrence of seasons?
2) What is the duration of the day on Equinox?
3) why are Penguins are not found at the north pole?

Q.4. Give Geographical reason. Any two        (6 mark)
1)  measure of soil conservation
2) organic manures
3) Importance of soil for plant growth.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Std 5 Final Assessment EVS Assessment 7

Subject: EVS l
Assessment: 7

Q.1) Fill in the blanks. (4)

1) --------------- gas is transported to all parts of the body.

2) The stomach is like a -----------------------.

3) Another word for air sacs is -----------------.

4) Between the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity is the --------------------.

Q.2) True or False? (4)

1) A baby gradually learns to perform newly learnt tasks without making mistakes.---------------

2) At birth ,we already have all skills. -----------------

3) We cannot manage all our tasks entirely by ourselves. ---------------------

4) Our height increases from birth till we grow old. -------------------------

Q.3) Answer the following questions.

1) What changes take place in us from birth till adulthood ? (2)

2) What is an infectious disease ? (2)

3) What happens when there is an epidemic of a disease? (2)

4) What is vaccination? (2)

Q.4) Classify the diseases given below as diseases that spread through food, water or air. (3)
Gastro, typhoid, diarrhoea , malaria , cholera , jaundice , diphtheria , tuberculosis .

2) Answer the following questions . (5)

1) Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day ?

2) How do we save fuel by using public transport ?

Subject: EVS ll
Assessment: 7  

Q.1) Fill in the banks. (3)

1) Museums in ---------------- had large collections of pre - historic artefacts and antique objects.

2) -------------- established with the help of evidence that stone tools were the earliest.

3) The period when copper came in use is known as the ---------------------.

Q.2) Write short notes: (6)

1) Social organization in the ancient cities.

2) Use of metals.

3) Use of script.

Q.3) Answer the following questions in brief.

1) What are some of the well - known characteristics of Harappan cities? (3)

2) What made the soil on the banks of the Nile fertile? (2)

3) What is culture? (2)

Std 5 Final Assessment EVS Assessment 5

Subject: EVS l
Assessment: 5

Q.1) Answer the following questions. (3)

1) Describe how the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases takes place in the lungs?

2) Why do we call saliva a digestive juice ? (2)

3) What assists the process of digestion outside the alimentary canal ? (2)

Subject: EVS ll
Assessment: 5 

Q.1) Write Notes: (3)

1) Trade and Transport .
2) Urban society.

Std 5 Final Assessment EVS Assessment 4

Subject: EVS l
Assessment: 4

Q.1) Answer the following . (3)

1) Name any three skills you have acquired?

2) What is meant by physical growth ?

3) What is meant by learning a skill ?

4) What is meant by heredity? (2)

5) What are the mediums of the spread of diseases? (2)

Subject: EVS ll
Assessment: 4 

Q.1) Fill in the blanks. (1)

1) The tradition of ------------ , --------------- and --------------- gave rise to various arts.

2) What were the major factors responsible for the rise of the early civilizations ? (2)

Std 5 Final Assessment EVS Assessment 3

Subject: EVS l
Assessment: 3

Q.1) Answer the following questions.
1) What is necessary for digestion to take place properly? (2)

2) What is blood 
circulation ? (2)

3) How is the air that we inhale purified in our body ? (3)

Subject: EVS ll
Assessment: 3 

Q.1) Write about the consequences of the following events. (3)

1) Discovery of copper.

2) Invention of the wheel .

Std 5 Final Assessment EVS Assessment 2

Subject: EVS l 
Assessment : 2

Q.1) Fill in the blanks. (2)
l) Just as man is able to think , he is also ---------------.
ll) We must always think about the ---------------- in our friends first .

2) Answer in one one sentence. (3)
l) How does a balanced personality develop ?

ll) Why does our attitude of co- operation and understanding decrease ?

lll) What must we do after we have found the flaws in our nature ?

3) What will you do in this situation ? (2)
l) Rohini won a prize in an essay competition .

Subject: EVS ll
Assessment: 2
Q.1) Answer each of the following questions in one sentence. (3)
l) Where did the people in the New stone Age establish their village settlements ?

ll) What did Chinese people believe ? 

lll) What articles were the Harappan craftsmen skilled at making ?

Std 4 Final Assessment Craft

Q. Make a tree.

Std 4 Final Assessment Drawing

Draw the pictures and colour it.

Std 2 Final Assessment Craft

Q.1. Make a paper candy.
Q.2. Make a fan.
Q.3. Make a house.

Std 1 Final Assessment Craft

Q.1. Make a paper fish by using colour paper.

Q.2. Make a paper Bird by using colour paper.

Q.3. Make a paper boat by using colour paper.

Std:8 Sub: Marathi Final Examination

Enfant india english medium school.                    Subject- marathi      class - 8th     marks 60           

प्र 1. अ )चौकट  पूर्ण करा  (Fill  in the boxes) 10              
1. येथे कष्टकऱ्हायlची  वस्ती आहे ---------------            2. अभंग असलेले ----------------------                          3. लेखकाला  मिळालेले पुरस्कार ----------------          4. लेखकlचा आवडता खेळ ---------------------            5. ज्या गियlर्रोहन संथाकडून ईशानला ई -मेल आला ते ठीकण ---------------                                                6. ईशानच्या मित्रlची नावे --------------------------------- 7.झुळूकेने  थेट दिलेली नैसर्गिक ठिकाणे ----------------  8. नदीचा रंग -------------------                                 9. निरोप घेताना मांजराचा गजर ---------------------    10. मंजूळ गाने हिचे -----------------------                              
 ब )जोडी लावा                                                   5   अ गट                   ब गट                                        मजूळ                   चोची                                      झीलमिळणारे         जग                                           चवचिवनारें            चंद्रचादने                                   भरकटलेले             गाने                                          उंच                       खडक                                          
प्र 2 अ) आकृत्या पूर्ण करा(complete the diagram)

सानुल्या झुळकेच्या इच्छा                                      5

कवीच्या अनुभवतले जग                                       6
[              ]                        [             ]
कवीचे जगणे                                                       4

ब)यमक जोडी लिहा                                               4
1)व्हावे --
2)काठी --
3)हळुवार --
क)विरामचिन्हची नावे लिहा                                      6
2) (. )
3)  [?]
4)  [!]
5)(  '      ')
6)["      "]

प्र .3 अ)विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिहा                                  5
1)चढ ×
2)इकडून ×
ब) समानार्थी शब्द लिहा                                         5
प्र 4अ)निबंध लेखन (essays writing)                  5
1)माझा आवडता पक्षी
2)माझा आवडता खेळ
3)माझा आवडता सण

ब) पत्रलेखन(letter writing)                                5
तुमच्या शाळेमध्ये उन्हाळी सुट्टीत हस्ताक्षर सुंदर करूया!हे 10 दिवसाचे शिबीर आयोजित केले आहे.त्यात तुम्हाला सहभागी करुन घेण्याची विनंती करनारे पत्र वर्गशिक्षकाना  लिहा

Class-9. Sub-Maths. Final Examination

Enfant India English school
Std: lX,   
Subject: Maths: l  
Marks, (40)

Q.1.A)  Choose the correct alternative answers for the following questions.  

1) What is the solution of the  equations. 
   8x+3y=5 and  3x-2y=5 ?

A) [1,1}  (B)  {-1,-1}  
(C) {-1,1} (D) {1,-1}

2) What is the ratio of 
1m to 1 cm ?
A)  {1:10}  (B)  {10:1}
(C) {1:100} (D) {100:1}

3) The ratio of numbers is 4:7  If their sum is 319 then what are the numbers.
A) 112 and 207
B) 108 and 211
C) 116 and 203
D) 120 and 199

4) What is the class mark of the class 20.......30?
A) 25
B) 26
C) 25•5

(B) Solve the following subquestions. 

1) Find the geometric mean of 16 and 36 .

2) Write the equation X+5=3y in general form.

3) Find the mean of  the first 5 Natural numbers.

4) If the class mark of a class is 20  and the class width is 12 then find the class.

Q.2) Solve the following questions. ( any six)

1) Find the median of the observations.
59, 60, 70, 35,48,20

2) If  {25-x} is the mean proportional of {10-x} and {14-x} then find the value of X.

3) The ratio of two numbers is 41:25 and their sum is 400 find these number.

4) 2X -3y=10, 4x-5y=15

5) Find the mean of the following numbers.
47, 62,  53,  31, 48,  76,  80

6) The sum of two numbers is 125 and their difference is 25 

7) If a/b= 6/5  then find a³-b³/5b³

Q.3) Solve the following questions. (any 3)

1) In a tree plantion project a certain school there are 26 students of  Harit sena .The record of sapling planted by each student is given below.
3, 5, 7, 6, 3,  5, 4, 3,  5,  4, 7,  5, 3,  4, 3, 5,  7, 3, 4,  5,  6,  4,  5,  7, 2, 3

2)  3 books and 10  pens together cost 300  2 books and 3 pens together cost 145 find the cost 1 book and 3 pens.

3)  A  hockey player scored following number of goals in 9  matches.
5, 4,  0,  2,  2,  4, 5,  3, 4
Find  (I) mean  (ii) median ( iii) mode of the data

Q.4)  solve the following questions. ( any two) 

1) a, ,b ,c , d,  are in proportion if b+c =7, a+d=8,  a²+b²+c²+d²=65 then find the values of a, b, c, and d,

2) The mean of 35 observations is 20 . If the mean of first 18 observation is 15 and that of last 18 observations is 25. find the 18th observation.

3) The total number of lions and peacocks in a  zoo is 50. The total number of their legs is 140. Find the number of lions and peacocks in the Zoo.

Q.5) Solve the following questions. ( any one) 

1) The mean of nine numbers is 77 If one more number is added to it then the mean increase by 5. Find the number added in the data.

2) 5x+ 7y=17,  7x+5y=19

             Subject: Maths:ll
               Marks, (40)

Q.1.A) Choose the correct alternative answers for each of the following questions:

1) If the radius of the circle is 5•2 cm, then the  length of longest chord is...................
A) 10 cm
B) 10•4 cm
C) 12 cm
D) 14 cm 

2) tan 45°- sin² 45°+ cos² 45°=?

A) -1
B) 0
C) 1
D) √3

3) cos 50°=?

A) sin 50°
B)tan 50°
C) sin 40°
D) tan 40°

4) The volume of a cube is 1000 cm³. What is the area of its vertical faces?

A) 600 cm²
B) 400 cm²
C) 60   cm²
D) 40  cm²

B) solve the following subquestions.  

1) State in which quadrant  or  on which axis do the following points lie.
A) {-3,2}    B) {-5,-2}

2) How many lines are there which are parallel to X axis and having a distance 5 units?

3) Cos² 45°+ sin² 30

4) r=6cm,  h= 8cm   Find slant height.

Q.2) Solve the following questions ( any six)

1) Distance of chord AB from the center of a circle is 8cm length of the chord AB is 12cm. Find the diameter of the circle.

2) On a graph  paper plot the points A{3,0} B{3,3} C{0,3} Join A, B, and B,C what is the figure formed.

3) IF sinθ =4/5 the find cosθ 

4)Total surface area of cube is 5400 sq cm find the surface area of all vertical faces of the cube.

5) Perpendicular height of a cone is 12 cm and its slant height is 13cm. Find the radius of the base of the cone.

6)Prove that  a perpendicular drawn from  the centre of a circle on its chord 
bisects the chord.

7)  In a  circle with radius 13cm two equal chords are at a  distance of 5cm from the centre find lengths of the chords.

Q.3) Solve the following questions.

1) The length breadth and height of a cuboidal tank are 7m. 6m and 5m respectively find its volume and total surface area.

2) Draw the graphs of the equations. Find the
x+y=6,   3x+y=8 

3) Cosθ = 24/25. find 
     Sinθ  and tan θ 

Q.4) Solve the following questions. (any two) 

1) Construct in circle and circumcircle of an equilateral ∆DSP with side  7•5 cm.

2) The surface area of a sphere is 394• 24cm² If its radius is decreased by 25% What will be the decrease in the surface area?

3) Radius of a circle is 34cm  and distance of the chord from the centre is 30cm find the length of the chord.

Q.5) Solve the following questions. ( any one)

1) The volume of a cylinder is 200cm³ its height is 10cm find the area of the base.

2) In right angled ∆ABC If <c=90° AC=3, BC=4, Find the ratios sin A,  sin B, cos A, tan B.

Std: 7 Sub: Maths Final Examination

Q.1 Solve the following question :-(Any Six) (12)
1) If 7 kg onions cost 140 rupees, how much must we pay for 12 kg onions?
2) Two mobiles cost 16,000 rupees. How much money will be required to buy 13 such mobiles ?
3) Mohanrao took 10 days to finish a book, reading 40 pages every day. How many pages must he read in a day to
finish it in 8 days?
4) If Rihanna deposits 1500 rupees in the school fund at 9 p.c.p.a for 2 years, what is the total amount she will get?
5) If the interest on 1700 rupees is 340 rupees for 2 years the rate of interest must be ................
(i) 12 % (ii) 15 % (iii) 4 % (iv) 10 %
6) If the circumference of a circle is 176 cm, find its radius.
7) If arc AXB and arc AYB are corresponding arcs and m(arc AXB) = 120° then
m(arc AYB) = ...................
(i) 140° (ii) 60° (iii) 240° (iv) 160°
Q.2 Solve the following question :-(Any Four) (12)
1) Suresh and Ramesh together invested 144000 rupees in the ratio 4:5 and bought a plot of land. After some years
they sold it at a profit of 20%. What is the profit each of them got?
2) Jethalal took a housing loan of 2,50,000 rupees from a bank at 10 p.c.p.a. for 5 years. What is the yearly interest he
must pay and the total amount he returns to the bank?
3) Javed deposited 12000 rupees at 9 p.c.p.a. in a bank for some years, and withdrew his interest every year. At the
end of the period, he had received altogether 17,400 rupees.For how many years had he deposited his money ?
4) The radius of a circular garden is 56 m. What would it cost to put a 4-round fence around this garden at a rate of 40
rupees per metre ?
5) If the length and breadth of a rectangle are doubled, how many times the perimeter of the old rectangle will that
of the new rectangle be?
Q.3 Solve the following question :-(Any Four) (12)
1) An open box of length1.5m,breadth1m,andheight1mistobemadeforuseona trolley for carrying garden waste. How
much sheet metal will be required to make this box? The inside and outside surface of the box is to be painted with
rust proof paint. At a rate of 150 rupees per sq m, how much will it cost to paint the box?
2) The sides of some triangles are given below. Find out which ones are right-angled triangles?
(i) 8, 15, 17 (ii) 11, 12, 15 (iii) 11, 60, 61
3) Use the formula to multiply the following.
(i) (x+y) (x - y) (ii) (a+6) (a-6)
4) A rectangular hall is 12 m long and 6 m broad. Its flooring is to be made of square tiles of side 30 cm. How many
tiles will fit in the entire hall? How many would be required if tiles of side 15 cm were used?
5) Find the total surface area of cubes having the following sides.
(i) 3 cm (ii) 5 cm (iii) 7.2 m
Q.4 Solve the following question :-(Any Three) (12)
1) Factorise the following expressions
. (i) p2 - q2 (ii) 4x2 - 25y2
2) The daily rainfall for each day of a week in a certain city is given in millimetres. Find the average rainfall during
the week. 9, 11, 8, 20, 10, 16, 12
3) A dice was cast 40 times and each score noted is given below. Draw up a frequency table for this data.
3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 6, 2, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 5, 3, 3, 4
4) In the right-angled ∆LMN, ∠M = 90°. If l(LM) = 12 cm and l(LN) = 20 cm, find the length of seg MN.
Q.4 Solve the following question :-(Any Three) (12)
1) Find the Pythagorean triplets from among the following sets of numbers.
(i) 3, 4, 5 (ii) 4, 5, 6 (iii) 9, 40, 41
2) If Pankaj deposits 1,50,000 rupees in a bank at 10 p.c.p.a. for two years, what is the total amount he will get from
the bank?
3) Mary cycles at 6 km per hour. How long will she take to reach her Aunt’s house which is 12 km away? If she
cycles at a speed of 4 km/hr, how long would she take ?
4) The wheel of a bullock cart has a diameter of 1.4m. How many rotations will the wheel complete as the cart
travels 1.1 km ?

Std:6 Sub: SST Final Examination

6th std.      (50 m).     SST .
Q:1:A: fill in the blanks.      (3m).
The epic Ramayana was composed by rishi __________.
The science of Indian medicine is called ____________.
Thousands of students could live at the ____________ University.
B: match the pair.       (3m).
          Group A.                           Group. B
Sangiti.                          (a) ajatshatru
Dhanananad.                (b) Parishad
Pataligram                    (c) mahagovind.
                                                    (d) nanda king.
Q:2: Answers in one sentence            (5m)
What is meant by janapada ?
What is meant by mahajanapada ?
Where was the first Buddhist council held ?
Who did Ashoka send to Sri Lanka for the spread of Buddhism ?
Why did the satraps being to fight among themselves ?
Q:3: can you tell.          (5m).
      1) The kings who started the minting of gold coins in india. 
      2) The city established by Kanishka in Kashmir. 
      3) The king who played the veena ?
      4) Another name for Kamrup ?
      5) The ancient name of Kolhapur ?
Q:4: can you explain.     (any one)    (2m).
Q:1:A: fill in the blanks.   (3m) 
The first city in Maharashtra to have a municipal corporation.
The body that looks after the administration of places that are in the process of becoming cities.
The office bearer who supervises the work of the municipal council.
B: match the pair.         (3m).
                  Group.  A.                      Group.   B
1. District collector.           a) taluka magistrate
2. District court.                 b) maintaining law and order.
3. Tahsildar.                       c) resolving disputes.
Q:2: answers in brief.          (4m).
What problems do people face in cities.
Q:3: discuss the following issues.       (any one).      (2m) 
Disaster management.
Functions of the District collector.
Q:1:A: fill in the blanks.        (3m). 
Serving as a ____________ is a tertiary type of occupation.
In the tropical areas,we mainly see _____________ occupation.
Amol's granny sells papads and pickles.which type of occupation is it ?
B: odd man out.            (5m).
Shell, fish, crab, ship.
Arabian sea, Mediterranean sea, dead sea, Caspian sea.
Sri Lanka, India, Norway, Peru.
Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, bay of Bengal.
Natural gas, Salt, gold, manganese.
Q:2: what resources will have to be used for the following work.        (5m).
Rohan wants to fly a kite.
Cooking on a picnic.
Salma wants to iron her clothes.
Starting a railway _ engine.
Heating water for a bath.
Q:3:A: difference between.         (4m).
Igneous and sedimentary rocks.
Igneous and metamorphic rocks.
B: draw a picture.      (3m).
Volcano under the sea.

Std 3 Final Assessment Craft

1. Make a dinosaur by using leaf.

2. Make a penguin.

Std 3 Final Assessment Drawing

Draw the following pictures and colour it.