
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Std 3 English A School Teacher's Thought Questionnaire with Answer


Q.  Answer the following questions :

 (a) What work does the teacher do at home ?

Ans. At home , the teacher has to do all the house work like cleaning, cooking, getting her children ready for school and so on.

 (b) What is the teacher’s homework ? 

Ans. Correcting the pupil’s notebook , test papers, planning how to make their lesson interesting is the teacher’s homework.

(c) What does this teacher think about her students ? 

Ans. The teacher think about how eager her pupils are to show their homework and how happy they become when they are praised.

(d) Why does she not feel like missing school ?

Ans. The students depend on their teacher so much that is why she does not feel like missing school.