
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

English Class 1 Tasty Treat Questionnaire with Answer

 Q.1.A.Write new word in this lesson.

Ans.a)slices b)chutney

B)Give opposite of the following.

1)give × take 

2)up × down

3)little × more 

4)like × dislike

Q.2) Answer the following questions.

1)How many slices of bread did you use ?

Ans. Two slices.

2)what did you need for making banana Delight?

Ans. Two bananas, one cup milk, sugar 4 tea spoons .

3)what do you do for making banana Delight?

Ans. 1)peel the banana.

2)mash the bananas in a bowl.

3)Add the sugar.

4)pour the milk into the bowl. 

5)stir well .