
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Class Test Std 6 Sub : English


Q.1 Read the following poem and answers the questions.          (05 Marks)           

I saw a donkey one day old,

His head was too big

For his neck to hold;

His legs was shaky

And long and loose

They rocketed and staggered

And weren’t much use.


He tried to gambol

And frisk a bit,

But he wasn’t quite sure

Of the trick of it.

His queer little coat

Was soft and grey

And curled at his neck

In a lovely way


His face was wistful

And left no doubt

That he felt life needed

Some thinking about.

So he blundered round

In venturesome quest,

And then lay on the ground

To rest


He looked so little

And weak and slim,

I prayed the world

Might be good to him.



A. List the pair of rhyming words from the poem.    (1 Marks)

B. What does the poet pray for? Why?                (1 Marks)


C. Find what the young ones of the family members are called (3 Marks)


a)      Donkey

b)     Horse

c)      Lion

d)     Tiger

e)      Cow

f)       Sheep



Q.2 Discuss and write in your own words about one or two of the following.

(5 Marks)


(a)   Yonamine ideas about marriage

(b)   How Bushi defeated Yonamine in the wrestling match

(c)    Why Bushi told Yonamine not to travel at night?

(d)   Yonamine fight with Bushi

(e)   The lesson that Bushi learnt