
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Class 6 Science 16 - The Universe Questionnaire with Answers


16 - The Universe


Q. 1. Name these :

 (1)Birthplace of stars : Huge nebulae made up of dust particles and gases.

 (2) Biggest planet in the solar system : Jupiter

 (3) The galaxy which is our neighbour : Andromeda

 (4) Brightest planet in the solar system : Venus

(5)  Planet with largest number of satellites : Jupiter.

(6)   Planets without a single satellite : Mercury and Venus.

(7)   Planet with a rotation different from other planets : Venus

(8)   A celestial body that carries a tail along : Comet


Q 2 Fill in the blanks.

Ans. (1) The group of galaxies of which our Milky Way is a part is called Local group.

(2) Comets are made of frozen matter and dust particles .

(3) The planet Uranus appears as if it is rolling along its orbit.

(4) Jupiter is a stormy planet.

(5) The Pole Star is the best example of a variable type of star.

Q. 3. Match the columns :


           (1) Galaxy – Spiral

           (2) Comet -- Halley

(3) Sun-like star - Sirius

(4) Saturn - 33 satellites

(5) Venus - From east to west


Q 4 Say if the statements given below are Right or wrong. Rewrite the wrong

statements after correcting them :

. (1) Venus is the planet closest to the sun.

 Ans  Wrong (Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.)

 (2) Mercury is called a stormy planet.

Ans  Wrong (Jupiter is called a stormy planet.)

 (3) Jupiter is the biggest planet.

Ans Right.

Q. 6. Answer the following:

(1) Which celestial bodies does a galaxy include ?

Ans. A galaxy includes innumerable stars and their planetary systems. It has many celestial bodies such as clusters of stars. nebulae, clouds of gases, clouds of dust. dead stars, newly born stars, etc. The Milky Way is our galaxy in which our solar system is included. It has planets, satellites, asteroids, dwarf planets and meteors,

 (2) What are the types of galaxies?

Ans. The types of galaxies are according to their shapes. These are spiral, elliptical barred spiral and irregular.

 (3) Name the different types of stars.

Ans. There is a great variety in stars. Some are very bright, some are faint. There are many colours among the stars. e.g. Blue, white, yellow and reddish. Some stars have varying brightness. Their luminance changes constantly. According to these characters, the stars are of the following subtypes : Sun-like Stars, Red Giants Stars, Super Nova. Binary or Twin Stars and Variable Stars.

(4) What is a special characteristic of the planet Mars ?

Ans. (1) Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system. (2) It appears reddish as the  soil on the Mars contains iron. Hence it is also known as the red planet. (3) The highest and largest mountain in our solar system called Olympus Mons is present on the planet

Mars. (4) Mars has two satellites. Its rotation is in about 24 hours and it takes about 1.88

 years to revolve around the sun.

 (5) What are the characteristics of the planet Neptune?

Ans (1) Neptune is the eighth planet of our solar system. (2) One season on the Neptune planet lasts for about 41 years. (3) The winds blow at a very high speed on Neptune. (4) Neptune has 13 satellites. It takes approximately 16 hours and 11 minutes to rotate around itself and 164 years for one revolution around the sun.

 (6) What are the types of comets and on what basis are they classified ?

Ans. Comets are of two types :(1) Long period comets (2) Short period comets.

This classification is based on the time taken by them to make a complete revolution around the sun. long period comets take more than 200 years for a revolution while short period comets take less than 200 years to make one revolution around the sun.

(7) What is the difference between meteors and meteorites?

Ans (1) Meteors are rocky pieces originating from the asteroid belt. Smaller rocky pieces are completely burnt due to friction with air when they enter the earth's atmospheric


(2) Meteorites are the rocky pieces that do not burn completely but fall down to the surface of the earth.