
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Std 3 Subject English A Pretty Game Questionnaire with Answer

1 . Read the poem aloud .

2. How do you play hide and seek ? Tell it in short.

Ans. Any number of players can take part in this game. All the participants of this game search for various places to hide themselves except one person. This person counts till 10 and in the mean time all the players go to hide. After the count of 10 the same person goes searching to others. One by one all the players hiding themselves are found out and the game is over.

3. Name any five other games that you play and enjoy.

Ans. Cricket , badminton , hopping , basketball and skipping.

4. Copy the names of the colours of the rainbow given below.

1. Violet
2. Indigo
3. Blue
4. Green
5. Yellow
6. Orange
7. Red

5. Draw a picture of a rainbow.


6. Write other words related to

a) weather - atmosphere
b) sky - blue heaven